Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Laughter Yoga

Ever get in such a goofy mood that you can't stop giggling? And the last thing you want to be is serious? Well, that is what a laughter yoga class feels like! I finally got to attend one last Saturday at Camarillo Yoga Studio with a wonderful teacher named Roni. Roni got the whole group to engage in some pretty silly behavior and kept us focused on our breathing. It reminded me very much of being a kid, a silly kid! At the end of class as we settled down for some slower breathing, I felt an incredible energy running through my chest. Since that one class, I've been laughing more...its just comes easier to me now! I think everyone should try a laughter yoga sometime in their lives...they will never regret it!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Make time for yourself

Wow! It's been awhile since I was here last! Just haven't been guided to say anything for a while. I've been thinking about how hard it is for most folks to get to a yoga class. Many people have experienced the good feeling and the benefits yoga has to offer. However, I noticed there is a very small group of people that actually come to class on a regular basis. I know how hard it is to make the time to go to class. It is so much easier to attend to the needs of others or just stay at home and relax. I am guilty of the same and that is why I teach.... to get my butt into class! There are so many things we do on a daily basis that we don't even think about. Like getting dressed or brushing our teeth. Wouldn't it be great if we could go to yoga as if we are brushing our teeth? Not even hesistate and ponder whether we go or not! Maybe we just need to make it more of a priority and yes, to the dismay of others to go without hesitation! That is my goal and I hope you make it yours. Not just for yoga, but for the things that you know are good for you and make you feel good. Here's to happy and healthy 2008! Namaste.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Sundae is the name of our family cat. Last Saturday she was attacked by coyotes on our front lawn and we lost her. The day before her death we had taken our dog, Shadow, in to vet and found out that she needed surgery. Shadow is old and we know she has very little time left. Our energies were so focused on Shadow's ills we just took her presence for granted.
Sundae was a loving cat that didnt shy away from visitors. She loved to go outdoors and hang out in our front yard for hours. She had a lot of freedom compared to most house bound cats. We knew of dangers of coyotes since we lost our first to them, too. However, Sundae would of been miserable being denied the outdoors.
Sundae did kill some birds in her lifetime. I was always saddened to watch them die. I've realized that last Saturday Sundae became the hunted instead of being the hunter. Did she pay a price for her freedom? I don't know. I do know that we loved her and wanted her to have the best life possible. I will miss her very much. There is a part of me that feels empty.


Thursday, May 31, 2007

why is yoga so expensive?

Yoga is a wonderful exercise with so many benefits. Most people know this, but have difficulty affording the monetary and time cost of practicing yoga. If you do find that you like yoga and want to learn more, then the cost skyrocket. Any "yoga" seminar carries a hefty price tag amounting to hundreds even thousands of dollars. Any item of clothing that says "yoga" is very expensive too!
Is yoga just for the rich? I sometimes wonder. Not only do you need money, but you need to the luxury of time to explore all the things that yoga has to offer. I sometimes feel guilty because I have the time to teach and take yoga classes. Most people, especially those who work full time, don't. And I think they need yoga the most!
How do I get yoga to the folks who need it the most? The best solution I've come up with is offering inexpensive community classes. Since there is no contracts, a person with little time would only have to pay for the class they attend. I wish there was a way to give someone more time, but I guess that is up to each individual.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Carol and Pat

Carol and Pat are two ladies in my yoga classes that I admire a great deal.
Carol, not too long ago, could not walk on her own. Carol told me she had to go to physical therapy just to walk again. Then walking unassisted became her next challenge. Every step of the way she has had a very strong determination to get her body back to a healthy and functioning shape. She came to my Monday class and I didnt think she would return since my Monday class is more difficult class than my other classes. She tried my Tuesday's gentler class and loved it. Since then I've seen her every week and yes, every Monday, modifying the more difficult postures so that she can do them. I wish all my students had this determination and instinct to modify the postures and not injure themselves. Way to go Carole!
Pat was a 79 yr old who took her first yoga class when I substituting for another instructor. I took one look at her and thought she should be in a gentle class. I suggested to her to wait and start with a gentle class, but she was determined to give yoga a try. Pat had to use a cane and her goal was to walk without one by her 80th birthday. She was going to a personal trainer and getting strong, but she knew she needed to stretch those strong muscles. She made it through her first class, modifying her postures and taking breaks when she needed to. A few weeks later, she came to another class I was subbing and she was going very strong. At one point, I told the whole class to go in child's pose because I could see that Pat was overheating! Today, Pat has reached her 80th birthday, and yes, no cane! She told me she loved walking into her doctor's office unassisted. Pat has come to a few of my classes and she has learned to use props to get the most of her yoga experience. Awesome job Pat!
As a teacher, I have so much to learn from my students...thanks Carole and Pat!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Hello and Welcome

As a yoga teacher, I find that yoga has taught me some wonderful lessons in life. Some small and some life changing. I hope to utilize this blog to share some of those experiences and I welcome your comments, too. I will share my opinions, too, and hope that you can share yours whether you agree or disagree. We can all learn from each other.
Peace and Namaste.